The Idol's Warning

Even though Baekha was in her wig and looked very feminine, Miyoo's sharp eyes saw through her disguise. The little girl instantly recognized her idol and was excited. She hugged Baekha's thigh, flustering her.

"Beaky!" she squealed.

"Shhh!" Baekha hushed her. How am I gonna handle this kid? She wondered.

"Don't tell anyone that!" she begged. "Please! Call me Baekha!"



This is why I can't handle kids! She scowled. They don't listen at all!

"My name is Baekha!" she repeated. "Baek-ha! I'm not Beaky!"

Miyoo shook her head and pointed at her face. "Beaky! Long hair!"

"How do you know this?" 

The child shrugged and pointed at her head to indicate she was smart. Baekha could only sigh. 

"Okay, but you can't tell this to anyone!" Baekha warned her. "Not even to your brothers."