[Bonus chapter] Blue Hyacinths (10)

Magrod was sitting in a cross legged position, concentrating hard. His eyes were closed but his ears were alert. He sat in the middle of a circle with a star drawn in it. The demon's tail was lazily wagging behind it while it tried to focus.

Where is the demon prince? He wondered. Several vague images popped up in his head but none of them were anything concrete. He could sense a dark presence in the town but it was hard to pinpoint the location. It was even hard to tell what exactly the threat was but he could feel that a dark web was beginning to spread around the town and it was only the beginning.

Is that bloody clan at it again? He scowled.

"Nom nom nom."

Miyoo was sitting behind the demon, eating popcorn. She was curiously watching the creature, thinking why it was sitting in that funny position. 

"Nom nom nom…"

Magrod was irritated. "Oi, can't you chew silently?" he snapped at her. "I'm trying to concentrate!"