Mirror & Water-Conclusion

Bomi and Junho were tense. Junho glanced at the clock and was fidgeting. It had been over a minute and the two brothers still did not emerge from the water. 

"We need to pull them out!" he exclaimed but Bomi shook his head.

"We can't," he said in a butter tone. "If we interrupt the ritual, they might get trapped in the Infinite Room forever. No, they must come out on their own."

As soon as he said those words, the water in the buckets began to form bubbles and Siwan pulled out of it. He was gasping for air, his hair and face all wet. But he rushed over to Hobin who was still inside the water.

"Hobin!" he called. 

To his relief, Hobin also emerged from the bucket. He struggled to breathe, his nostrils blocked by the water so Siwan thumped his back, helping him to cough out the water. Still coughing, he looked around as if to make sure he was back in the real world.

"Where are we?" he demanded. "Is this the real world? Or the mirror one?"