Cho Mansion (3)

They watched in horror as Siwan was fighting off the demon, trying to regain control. 

"No!" He yelled, his voice mixed between his own and Sungki's. The demon was so busy in his inner battle with Siwan's soul that he let go of Baekha and Minyoon who fell on the ground with a thud. Minyoon quickly scrambled to his feet and ran towards the shaman. Before the shaman could do anything, Minyoon hit him on the head and knocked him out.

Ciara tried to stop Jiwoon but the latter punched her hard, knocking her unconscious. She quickly unlocked herself while Youngjoon lunged forward to control Siwan. But Baekha was faster. She kicked the man away from the struggling Siwan, who was still fighting the demon.

"Agh!" Youngjoon yelled. 

Jiwoon reached over to Siwan who was contorting on the floor.

"Doctor Kang!" she called him. "Doctor Kang, you need to fight this!"