Chapter 1: A Beautiful Girl

It was Sunday.

In the morning the sun was shinning brighter than ever.

The birds were chirping, singing their merry little tunes and flying through the sky with glee.  

The wind wasblowing, a nice easy breeze, one that whistle the tune of humpty dumpty.

The leaves of the tress along the road were dancing along the breeze and the flowers bloomed beautifully than other days.

At that day,almost every people along the R road were amazed and stared at someone. That someone was a girl seemed around 25.She got out from the taxi and made a call to someone.While she was dialing to someone,she kept walking along the road.

When that girl passed through the flower shop,one of the staffs mummered

"OMG!!How beautiful her hair is!"

"Yeah,it's really amazing" another staff added. Her hair was Luxurious Straight Gloosy Black one.Her waist length straight hair was behind her and it was shining like Agate by supporting of the sunlight.

The eyes were obsidian _black,shiny , impenetrable and almond shaped eyes. Her arched eyebrows showed how confident she was.

For eyelids they don't have a crease ,hooded lids droop somewhat over the eyes.

The cilia were archly curled.Her body was slim and her alabaster skin can be seen because of wearing a black tube dress.

Whenever she walked,her features looked sexy and seductive.

Not only the men but also the girls with the same age of her,the older and younger than her were amazed in her beauty.

While all the people along the road were attention to her,she entered into the cafe at the corner of the road. The people already in the cafe were surprised as soon as she entered into the cafe.

The waiter pick the menu and quickly directed to her and approached to her.Then he took the one seat and said

"Miss,please sit here".

"Thanks "she replied and sat on that seat.

"Miss, what would you like to have?We are ready to serve for you " that waiter said.

"Please give me blueberry flavored cake and a cup of coffee."

" Well Miss, just wait a few minute.If you want anything else,call me.I'm ready for you."

After that he went out.

At that time,the other men were still looking at her. But she didn't know what was happening in her surrounding. She was still dialing someone because it was busy. After calling about 20 times,the call was connected .

" Asher. Are you stupid? I told you to pick me up as soon as I landed. I waited for you for an hour. What are you doing now? If you are not my mom's neice,I would fire you at once. Do you understand Asher?"

Before Asher can say nothing "Now I'm in the cafe at the corner of the R road.Come to me within 20 minutes.Don't try to test my patience" she said and cut off the phone.

After the call was ended,the waiter carried her order and put them on the table.And then he left backwards in the direction of facing towards her.

As soon as she saw the blueberry cake in front of her ,the lovely smile appeared on her face. She wiped the spoon with her handkerchief and took a piece of cake.

And then,she parted her lips a little and put a piece of cake into her mouth. She closed her eyes and feel the taste of the cake.The sweet of blueberry cake made her delighted. After swollening the cake,she opened her eyes slowly.Then, she turned towards the window to see the sky.

Instead of seeing the scene of sky,lots of people were looking at her. So she felt embarrassed and "What's wrong with this crowd of people.Do they think I'm a weirdo?That's not possible. However they make me nervous." she thought herself and took the cup of coffee in a hurry.

Unfortunately,the coffee was so hot and she was hit by someone's elbow. The cup accidently rolled over and the coffee made her dress wet and her thighs felt so hot.

"Oh,It's HOT! It's HOT! It's HOT! she shouted.