
Preview : There was a strange tingle when Arga smiled faintly when I looked at him with a hostile look.


I don't know why today I have to be a presenter at the company's general class meeting. This is annoying because there was Arga sitting right next to the projector screen where I would present the material. This public class is held once a week every Friday. And this time it was the HR division's turn to fill in. Because previously it was filled by the compensation and benefit department, now it's the recruitment department's turn.

I chose the teamwork theme for this material. I have prepared material in the form of power point last night. There's also any use in not opening my phone all night so that after I finish eating I can start working without thinking about anything that has happened in my life lately.

Well, I accidentally came to the room where the general class was held at 8 am. So that if I meet Arga, I don't have to hold back my emotions. The room is located on the floor where Arga's room is also located.

I walked out of the elevator with my head suddenly remembering the crazy incident yesterday morning. I also felt that every step I took was being stared at with scornful eyes by some of the people I remember being on this floor when that unfortunate incident happened to me. Try to stay calm and not be provoked even though it is very difficult.

I walked into the room casually and sat down next to Rena. "Is Reno the operator?" I asked as I sat down.

"Yes, there you have given the material to Reno," Rena said while pointing her chin at Reno.

"Okay, I'll have a drink first." I took a sip of mineral water that was still sealed in front of me sitting.

"Your drink is in front of you, idiot! It's mine!" Rena took the bottle of mineral water which I had taken a quarter of the bottle.

"You stingy!" I immediately went to Reno and sat next to him. "Here's my material, Ren."

"Okay, are you ready for your material?" Reno looked at me probing.

"It's okay, Ren, surely you think I'm not ready?" I guessed with narrowed eyes.

"Hahaha, yeah, that's because you used to be like that, fortunately at that time there was me who was always ready for you," Reno discussed the incident a few months ago that made me frown.

"It's still being discussed, eh!" I got annoyed and punched his left arm.

"Erm!" I was startled when I heard the sound of someone clearing his throat using the microphone.

"Good morning." I rolled my eyes lazy when I saw Arga spoke.

"Morning, Sir," answered the audience who came in unison and sounded enthusiastic.

I didn't pay much attention to the content of Arga's remarks because I was busy checking the material again before I presented it. It's not that I don't know that in front of me Arga often stares at me. At times like this I can't be nervous, I have to stay focused and pretend I don't feel that Arga is looking at me. But unfortunately, when Arga's greeting was over, our eyes accidentally crossed. There was a strange tingle when Arga smiled faintly when I looked at him with a hostile look. What does this man want? I'm pissed off with that style!

I stood up and started the material I was presenting while occasionally creating interaction with the audience who came. "I'm sure everyone here can cooperate with each other well, within the division and with other divisions."

I smiled for a moment as I paused. The room seemed calm because everyone seemed to be paying attention to the material that Rena shared earlier. I point the pointer at the screen and form a circle. "This is the company's goal, there are many aspects that affect teamwork, one of them. I had a personal experience when I was in college." my eyes collided with Arga's sharp eyes.

"I used to often work on group assignments with only one or two people out of a total of five people in the group, tired and also it feels unfair when we get the same grades as those who just use names on the assignment report, anyone like me?" Then I saw lots of people nod enthusiastically while whispering as if they were telling their past experiences.

"Is it hard to do everything by yourself?" I still see people nodding their heads. "It's hard, therefore in our company we apply the aspect of cooperation to be able to achieve the company's goals towards something even better than now. Together and applies to everyone who is included in the company list. Starting from the directors, managers, supervisors, staff and even office boy and office girl without exception."

"Here I have prepared a tool for us to play a little on this sunny morning." I smiled then nodded my head at Rena and her colleagues from the department to start distributing a pencil tied with a rope with 3 ends and an empty softdrink bottle.

I did give the tools to Rena yesterday afternoon from the department's warehouse so that at night I don't have to worry about preparing the tools.

"Okay, now please look for a team and one team has 3 people." I saw that everyone had found their respective teams.

My eyes squinted when I saw Rena and Arga were a team and they seemed to be alone.

"Sorry we don't have enough people." Arga seemed to raise his hand.

I've been looking around looking for something that hasn't gotten a group yet, but there was nothing. I was the only one left in the room.

Exhaling resignedly I walked towards him and Rena. "Now everything is complete, right," I said through the microphone.

I instruct how to play, which is to put a pencil in a bottle with 3 people holding the end of each rope. In this game, you need cohesiveness. And my group has been 3 minutes and still can't put the pencil in the bottle.

"Ren, you go a little to the right and keep pulling hard," I instructed Rena.

I didn't dare to look at Arga at all. I don't care I think he's not my group. As a result, only Rena gave me instructions. While Arga and Rena they give each other instructions if the position is not right. After 4 minutes passed, the pencil finally came in. The time I gave was only 5 minutes and not more and I saw that many groups had managed to put pencils into bottles.

"Time's up!" I walked in front of the projector screen. "Is there anything that doesn't work?" 3 teams raised their hands. "Okay, let's talk."

"The way to succeed or the key to success, firstly we must set goals first, secondly create a strategy, thirdly communication, namely listening to instructions from 1 person but others may give advice if needed, fourth decision making." I smiled seeing people starting to understand what I described according to myself.

"Wait a minute, I think there's a fifth." I saw who raised their hand and spoke.
