Other Meaning

Preview : And I intend to be serious with Jani, Sir.


"Hey why are you here?!? Jani was surprised when she found Arga arranging food on the dining table.

"This is my apartment in case you forgot." Arga turned with a smile.

"Yes, I know this is your apartment." Jani pouted and walked over to Arga.

The smell of the food that Arga brought made Jani's stomach struggle to fill it up. Jani sat in front of Arga who was still busy arranging the food on the serving plate. The man then handed the plate in front of Jani. Jani smiled at the menu that was now in front of her eyes. Chicken Pesmol and basil anchovy grilled rice.

The girl smelled a very appetizing smell of food. Jani immediately took a spoon to taste her food. However, Jani didn't do it because Arga was still busy getting a drink in a glass which a moment later was in front of Jani.