Not So Important

Preview: Yes, everything is done, Dan.


"I?" Jani pretended to be stupid.

"Yes, you."

"I'm just here, I don't disappear," Jani replied, playing with her fingers under the table.

"You left me, Jani." Dana looked down for a moment before focusing his attention on the girl again. "You left everything about us that we worked so hard to build," the man continued with a look full of wounds.

"You, who left me if you forgot," Jani replied that she did not accept it.

Dana was silent. The girl in front of him looked calm but Dana knew Jani was just as nervous as he was.

"Sorry," Dana let out a word Jani hated when the man went to Reyna and left her alone.

Jani looked down and closed her eyes for a moment. The tightness in her chest was getting worse. Jani took a deep breath to calm her down a bit.