Clap With One Hand

Preview : However, the back which is only two steps in front of her seems to have a very high wall and Sarah has not been able to get through it.


Dana walked briskly ahead of Sarah, who seemed to be hurrying behind him. The girl was trying to catch up with Dana, who was walking faster than her.

"Dana, wait!" Sarah ran and was now keeping up with Dana.

Dana glanced to his right. His brow furrowed and for some reason Sarah's smile looked different in Dana's eyes.

"You said you didn't want to come?" Dana then slowed his steps.

"Mother said it's okay, I'm going to eat in the cafeteria anyways, mom wants to go back to sleep because she's still a little weak," said Sarah with a smile that didn't leave her lips.

Dana nodded in understanding. "Shall we eat in front of the hospital?" Dana offered.