The Memory Comes

Preview : Dear Jani, I love you, please leave him!


Arga smiled when Jani sent him a message saying thank you for a memorable Sunday. Arga was just about to close his eyes after placing his smartphone on the small table beside his bed, when a ringing sounded in his ear.

Arga sighed softly and immediately took out his cellphone again and saw who was calling him at this hour. Arga narrowed his eyes. A second later Arga immediately got up from the bed in a hurry. Arga then picked up the phone from Ergi and immediately pressed the phone to his right ear.

"Yeah, hello, Gi?" Arga said as soon as he picked up the phone.

"Hey, Bro! I have news." one sentence from Ergi managed to make Arga widen and not sleepy.

"How?" Arga seems impatient with the news that Ergi found.