Still About Arga's Problem

Preview : No one even knows for sure it's really my son or another man's son.


"Damn!" Arga cursed as soon as he got into the car.

The man looked annoyed and also hit the steering wheel for failing to meet Reza. His memories kept turning Reza's body, which looked thin with a bulging stomach.

Arga took his smart phone from his trouser pocket and appeared to be calling someone he had been waiting for to get more clear information. Arga waited for the phone to be picked up and on the umpteenth ring, Ergi greeted him.

"Yoo Bro! How are you?" Ergi asked because he was surprised, Arga called him when it was still noon.

"I was in front of the shop where Reza worked, but I couldn't find her," said Arga annoyed.

"Are you there?!" Ergi sounded surprised.