Dana's Shady Gaze

Preview : You've made my day that was originally annoying to be fun.


Dana drove Sarah the way he had picked up the girl, only in front of Sarah's house without bothering to get out of the car. Sarah couldn't stop the smile that always graced her face. The girl unbuckled her seatbelt and turned to Dana. Sarah smiled widely. There was a gleam of joy in her eyes.

"Do you want to stop by first?" asked Sarah offering Dana.

Dana looked at Sarah and looked out the window behind Sarah. Dana seemed to consider it for a moment.

"No, I'm afraid if your mom will expect more about me," Dana answered in a flat tone.

Sarah took a deep breath. The girl nodded in understanding. Sarah then said goodbye to Dana and opened his car door. As Sarah was about to get out of Dana's car, Dana quickly grabbed Sarah's wrist.