Make Friends With Raden

Preview : Hello, I'm Raden, what's your name?


Jani had finished eating and had packed her lunch box. Jani looked at Raden for a moment before taking a deep breath. Raden, who felt she was being watched, looked at Jani for a few seconds with a straight face, a second later Raden smiled happily. His chest heaved because Jani saw him even though the girl didn't smile at him.

Jani looks so beautiful. The longer Raden stares at Jani the more his heart beats and the feeling of impatience to have Jani continues to break into his chest. Jani then averted her gaze. Raden just chuckled softly.

"Why are you so lazy with me, Jan?" asked Raden opening his voice after a few minutes he could only hold back the question that had been on the corner of his lips so it wouldn't just come out.