What's Heavier?

Preview: The universe will not necessarily bring them together in the future.


"Thank you," said Reza in a low voice before getting out of Arga's car.

"Hm," Arga couldn't give any longer words than that.

The man immediately left after Reza got out of his car. The pregnant woman stroked her stomach with a sad look at the Arga's car that had gone away.

Arga was forced to agree to Jani's resignation. Sinta said that maybe Jani didn't want to be in Arga's company anymore, considering the pain caused would be very difficult to get rid of. Sinta advises Arga to just agree to Jani's resignation because the girl has already told Sinta via text message that she really can't join Arga's company anymore and she hopes that Arga will agree to it soon because she wants to make peace with herself as soon as possible.