Be My Secretary

Preview : Please choose, Arjuna's parents in law's big family doesn't know this news yet, right?


Sarah nodded, wiping the tears that had now fallen down her cheeks. "Will Dana come back with Jani, Mom?" Sarah asked hoarsely.

Lena looked at Sarah and took a deep breath. "I don't know, girl, if they are indeed a match, you have to be happy because after all, Dana is your cousin, your brother, and he also has the right to be happy with whoever his soulmate is, I'm sure Dana wants you to approve of Dana's relationship with Jani if ​​they are indeed a match," replied Lena.

Sarah nodded again then looked down and covered her face with both palms. Sarah sobbed. Gently, Lena pulled Sarah's body and hugged her daughter warmly. Lena let Sarah cry until the girl felt relieved.