Finding The Diamond

Preview : Just tell me that you want me to cook for you tonight.


"When did you ask my father's permission?" asked Jani questioningly.

"Last night," Dana answered quickly. "After I got to the apartment, I called your father and asked for permission," said Dana.

Jani's memory seemed to revolve around last night's events when Dana said those words with a stifled smile. Jani tried to calm her racing heart as she remembered the passionate kiss Dana had given her.

"So that's it, all right, Sir!" said Jani, choosing to hasten to end their chat.

The girl then returned to struggling with her work. While Dana was still silent and stared intently at Jani. After their kiss last night, Dana had taken a really cold shower and quickly drank the iced coffee he'd made himself in the apartment to calm all the raging turmoil inside him.