Before It's Broken Again

Preview : Jani's mind raced when Sarah and Dana didn't appear before her.


Jani frowned as she looked at the clock on the wall. It was nine in the morning and Dana had not come to the office. Jani blamed herself for hoping that Dana wouldn't come to the office today. She bit her lip while looking at her cellphone lying on the table.

Since Jani turned off her cellphone, she hasn't reactivated her cellphone again. Jani immediately took her cellphone from the table and started to activate it. Jani waited impatiently. Once back on, Jani immediately headed to the call report.

There were two calls to Dana shortly after Jani hung up the man's phone this morning. Jani then switched to the messaging app. She found four messages Dana had sent her. She read slowly the contents of the short message.

"Jani, are you asleep?"