This Is My Way

Preview : Sorry that I took a wrong step and followed my ego and emotions.


"It's just the way I do it, that's all," Dana said, lowering his head for a moment before looking up again and looking into Jani's eyes. "I don't want you to go and this is the only thing that goes through my head," Dana continued honestly. "I'm sorry that I took a wrong step and followed my ego and emotions, I know that you must really hate me," Dana said in a husky voice and wet eyes.

Jani's vision blurred. She blinked and brought tears to her eyes again. Now, Dana looks clearer than ever. Why did seeing the man cry made Jani feel devastated? Did Dana feel the same pain she did? Jani wanted to deny everything, but her love for the man in front of her paralyzed her logic.

"I hate it but I also love it, can you imagine how painful it is to be me now?" asked Jani quietly.