Miss You A Little

Preview: Dena, what did she say to Sarah?


Dana's chest felt warm. He looked at Jani who was already busy eating her opor rice voraciously. "Tomorrow we will often come back here, what do you think?" Dana asked.

Jani looked at Dana with sparkling eyes. "Promise?" asked Jani.

"Of course!" Dana chuckled.

Jani nodded her head and smiled broadly. She was very happy to be back in the house again. Hopefully she can return to Dana's mother's house with a new status, namely as the wife of a Dana.

Jani and Dana have returned to Jakarta. They have been back to work for two days as usual with a mountain of office work. Today Jani promised to go shopping with her father because the food ingredients at her house were running out. But suddenly her father canceled the appointment because there was urgent business at his store building.