Bad Example

Preview : I mean since when do you like to smell my body?


Jani straightened up and looked at Dana with eyes sparkling with pleasure. "Thank you very much!" Jani said loudly.

"Don't scream, Honey! I'm not deaf," Dana said with a chuckle.

"Sorry, I'm really happy to sleep tonight while smelling the scent of your body," said Jani honestly.

Dana stopped his laughter and glanced sideways for a moment. Jani, who seemed to have just realized what she said, immediately rolled her eyes and immediately turned her face to the left side where the car window was. Jani cursed her stupidity that she couldn't control her words while closing her eyes in annoyance.

"You..." Dana paused for a moment. "Eumm… I mean since when do you like to smell my body?" asked Dana with an expression of astonishment and surprise of course.