Chapter 3

When were apart, it's easier.

It hurts, everyday.

But I live with it.

And now you're right here...

and I can actually reach out...

it's more than confusing.

It's unbearable.

But we have to bear, right?

I mean, what else can we do?

It doesn't work with us.

It can't.


I can't give you a life,

or a future or anything

a real girl would want.

- Buffy the Vampire Slayer -

As the Bugatti Chiron passes them, two motorbikes passed them too making the girls say "woah" in unison. A BMW S 1000 RR on the left and a MV Agusta F4 on the right. "Awesome." Katherine said. "Yeah, great car and motorbikes." Thana said. "Handsome rides, guess their drivers are handsome too." Amdis said after waking up. "Nah, others say that if you see a great car, sure, the driver is not as great as his car." Dawn said. While they were busy conversing, Katherine steps on the brake making the car screech. "What the hell...?" Amdis said holding on to her seat. "Ohhhh, they are gorgeous!" Dawn said drooling over the men not far from the car. "Yeah, they are hot too." Amdis said. "And they are vampires." Thana said using her telepathic powers. Katherine was just looking at them particularly to the man looking towards her. Though, she's not sure that he's looking at her, she felt his piercing eyes is reaching her soul. He started to walk towards the car followed by the others. Katherine opens her door and her friends followed her going outside the car.

"Milady." The men said making Katherine furrowed her forehead. "Who are you?" She asked. "I'm Drake, son of Lazarus and these are my friends, Athan, Alaric, Blade, and Kieran. Katherine look at each of the men who bowed to her making her furrowed again her forehead.

"If I were you, I will not bow nor call her Milady. She doesn't know anything for now. The Elder said to keep it from her until her 21st birthday." Thana said using telepathic power. "Don't worry, we knew, we just can't help it not to give our drop dead gorgeous princess our respect." Blade said making his friends smiled but raising brows for the girls. Drake looks at Blade with a narrowed eyes silencing him.

Drake, son of Lazarus and the heir of Mzukwa clan. His powers, well, all of a vampire can do.

Athan, Drake's butler. Just like Amber, he's fast. He's also Drake's first-in-command.

Alaric, Drake's guard and second-in-command. He's power is the same with Dawn, strenght.

Blade and Kieran are the other guards for Drake. Blade is a healer vampire just like Thana. Kieran can stop time just like Amdis.

"What can we do for you?" Katherine asked. "Well, an introduction to your beautiful guards, I mean friends, will be great." Athan said correcting his words when Amdis gave him an angry squint. "Okay." Katherine said. She knew she can trust this guys especially when her Uncle Lazarus' name was mentioned earlier "This is Amdis, that's Dawn, Thana there, and Amdis here." Katherine said then, everyone shake hands with each other. "Why are you here? I mean, Uncle Lazarus didn't told me anything about you and them. Is there anything I or rather we can do for you?" Katherine asked looking straight to Drake.

"Trouble coming." Drake said using his telephatic power not answering Katherine's inquiry. He had also the power to smell the scent of other vampires not part of their clans. "What trouble?" Amber asked worriedly. "Sanguinarians." Drake replied. "Shit!" Thana said. "Better get her out of here." Dawn said. "Why don't we have a race up to the gym?" Drake asked making Katherine's eyes lit of excitement. "Sure!" Katherine said. "Wow! What a suggestion?" Amber said. "She'll definitely like it." Amber continues. "Let's go." Katherine said. "I'll take care of her." Drake said using his mind link. "No, that can't do. I'm coming. Paps will kill me." Amber said using her mind link making Athan smiled. "I'm coming too." Athan said making Amber rolled her eyes. "Come on girls." Katherine said. "Oh, we'll be riding with them." Dawn said with a wink. "You sure?" Katherine asked. "Yeah, it will be exciting." Thana said. "Let's go." Drake said and started his engine because the Sanguinarians are fast approaching. Katherine did the same but she caught something behind causing her to look back. "Go! Drake have already rolled!" Amber said making Katherine looks infront of her and steps on her accelerator to catch up with Drake forgetting what she saw before leaving the place.

"Ready girls?" Dawn asked while looking at the group of Sanguinarians nearing them. "Always ready." Thana said smiling. "This is exciting." Amdis said clapping. "Are you sure you can handle them?" Alaric asked with a grin on his handsome face. "See for yourself." Dawn said. "Woah, fiesty!" Blade said making the girls smirk. "This will be enjoyable having them on our sides." Kieran said. They stood in one line waiting for their enemies to halt.

"Where is she? Give her to us and I will let you pass us without any blood shed." One of the Sanguinarians infront of them asked with a serious voice. "Who are you talking about?" Dawn asked faking her innocence. "I'm not talking to you, bitch." He said making Dawn's blood boils. "Don't you dare call me bitch, asshole." Dawn said and instantly attack the man making him dead in an instant. The rest of the Sanguinarians were shocked of what happened. Alaric, Blade, and Kieran were also shocked but later on, smiles can be seen on their faces. "Looks like we already found our matches." Alaric said looking at Blade and Kieran nodding to him. "Let's finish them really quick, I don't want to make our King and Queen wait for us too long. Drake will be a pain in the ass if we arrive late." Blade said and in an instant, a bloody battle begun living lifeless bodies of the Sanguinarians lying on the road.

"Before following them, can I ask one question?" Kieran asked with curiosity on his face. "What about?" Amdis asked. "How did you guys fit in inside that small car?" Kieran asked making the girls laughed. "It's called, magic!" Amdis replied making the boys still in their questionning looks before leaving the place. They already called the back up to clean their mess.