(A/N: Just a reminder, this is canon DxD with no relation whatsoever to the Might, Midnight Or Antyverse, if the unmentioned/ non-canon Gods are bothering you just treat them as OCs)
Asahi wasn't even covering his eyes just staring straight into what should be actual sunlight, when it stopped shining it revealed three people standing there, they were the ones who lead the Shinto Pantheon, two females and one male, the females being the actual leader of the Shinto Pantheon The Sun Goddess Amaterasu and her younger sister the Moon Goddess Tsukuyomi both being otherworldly beauties and the male was the Shinto God who slew the Evil Dragon Yamata-no-Orochi, The God of the Sea and Storms Susanoo, with an ever present scowl on his face, he wasn't exactly known for having a great temper, Tsukuyomi was wearing a long sleeved yukata whose sleeves she was using to cover her face, while Amaterasu herself was dressed like a shrine maiden.
Asahi got up and bowed like an entertainer, "Glad you decided to join us~!" and sat back down, tapping the table. Yasaka immediately turned to them and kneeled, "Lady Amaterasu, Lady Tsukuyomi and Lord Susanoo!" Susanoo nodded his head and came to the table, "Indeed!" Amaterasu tapped her shoulder, "Leave us for now." she said in a kind voice and smiled at Yasaka before sitting down followed by Susanoo and a shy Tsukuyomi. Asahi offered his hand, "Nice to meet you." but he was not answered, so he pulled his hand back with a twitching smile. Tsukuyomi meekly answered, "N-Nice to meet you too." Asahi pointed at her and looked at the other two, "See manners!"
Susanoo slammed his fist on the table, "Get to the damn point!" Amaterasu smiled, "You'll have to forgive him, he's always like this." Asahi nodded and gave Susanoo a smug look causing Susanoo's brows to twitch. "Well you have your audience what do you require?" Amaterasu asked him with her ever-present smile. Asahi just went straight to the point and said with a smile, "An Alliance against the Christian Pantheon." Susanoo threw the table at him which he grabbed and placed back down, Tsukuyomi looked between him and Susanoo panicking "Just because you helped us doesn't mean you can get full of yourself!" Ultima giggled, "Waah...This guy's annoying~!"
Amaterasu firmly nodded, "Agreed." causing Susanoo to give her a betrayed look. She turned to Asahi, "While we are indebted to you entering an alliance for that and that against a pantheon we can't match is too much of a request." Asahi nodded, "True True but you do realize that you're going to get dragged in anyway right?" Amaterasu asked him confusedly, "Why?" she much like her brother wasn't exactly the brightest in that department, Tsukuyomi quickly answered, "B-Because t-they wanted to make a s-seat of power here" Amaterasu gave an 'oh look'. While Susanoo scowled more, "That means we just get rid of them!"
Asahi clapped his hands and grinned, "So you plan to take on multiple Ultimate if not Satan class devils by yourself, Susanoo? and that's thinking of the miraculous situation where the Church and Grigori don't invade too" Susanoo backed down a bit and said, "I-I can still do it!" although he himself was doubtful of his words even if he was powerful, he could only defeat so many before he himself fell.
Amaterasu nodded at him, "An alliance sounds better in that case, but I have confidence that we can repel them using the Ley Lines around our land." Tsukuyomi corrected her, "T-That would leave us open to attacks from o-other pantheons." Asahi nodded approvingly, looked like at least one of them had brains which she actually used. Susanoo looked at Asahi warily after all he did not trust him one bit and would attack at a moment's notice, while Amaterasu was looking at him with a scrutinizing gaze she felt that there was more to this, because this only benefitted them. Asahi pointed at Tsukuyomi, "You, I like you." Tsukuyomi meekly nodded at him understanding that he was just praising her, "T-Thank You!"
Susanoo once more threw the table making Asahi grab it and put it back down again, he shouted, "You're trying to court my sister right in front of me?!" Asahi looked at him like he was an idiot, "Why would I do that?" Tsukuyomi looked at him, she was a little bit just a little bit angry at him for immediately rejecting it since she was also a girl, Amaterasu maintained her respectful tone, "I would have to still politely decline your invitation since we risk high amounts of casualties by aiding in this venture of yours." This time Susanoo gave Asahi a smug look which Asahi ignored and still maintained his smile.
"Even if I can convince other pantheons to join this, as you put it 'venture' of mine?" Asahi asked tapping the table constantly, she pondered for a bit, "That would change things?" Tsukuyomi immediately caught on to what he said, "S-So who h-have you c-convinced?" Asahi pointed at himself, "Am I really that scary?" Amaterasu answered back, "Sorry about that, she's a bit shy or is it awkward?"
Ultima appreciated the Goddess's intelligence for having figured out what Asahi had done and looked at her in curiosity, after all not many could figure out his thought pattern including herself they would have eventual moments as these but otherwise his thoughts were a complete mystery since he was almost always smiling at you, which was actually pretty creepy if you think about it.
Asahi looked at her and sighed, "You know that was something that was to be a surprise for after you agreed." She quickly bowed her head a bit in apology, "S-sorry" He waved his hand, "No don't be, Anyway it's Greece and Asgard for now with the condition that you and India join in as well." Susanoo nodded his head, "That would make for quite a force."
Asahi rubbed his hands like a shady salesman, "Don't you think you'd be better off joining?" this time all three of them realized the underlying meaning and fell into thought, what Asahi meant was there was no guarantee that they wouldn't be attacked by the newly made alliance as well. Amaterasu nodded her head, "While I don't like you threatening us there, it appears we'd be better off joining as well, don't you think brother? sister?" Tsukuyomi nodded her head quickly, "Y-Yes." Susanoo looked away with a pout? which caused Asahi's face to twist in disgust, a guy with muscles like those looks disgusting doing that.
Amaterasu turned to him again, "We shall join your alliance with the same condition in place, and one more you will reveal your domain if you want it." she looked proud of herself for figuring out a way to guess his power, Asahi shrugged it wasn't as if he was trying to hide his powers, only Yog-chan was an undisclosable secret, the others were free game he just wasn't a fan of going around announcing them like a third-rate villain. He released his part of his authority, the infinity part since they wouldn't be sane enough to talk after gazing at the other.
All three of the gods looked at him with wide eyes, Amaterasu instinctively put her hand to a blade that was by her side while Susanoo immediately summoned his spear ready for combat, Asahi brought his hands up, "Hey hey you were the ones to ask for it." Amaterasu lowered her hand and slightly bowed in apology, the Shinto Gods had much much better manners than most of the other Pantheons. "It is as if I am staring into ....Infinity?!" she shouted surprised, She warily asked him, "Are you perhaps the Infinity Dragon God?" Asahi immediately retorted as if he was insulted, "Do I look like a fucking Dragon Loli to you?!"
Asahi had another purpose for doing this, with this he maybe could lure the Dragon Loli here and it worked a certain Dragon Loli that embodied infinity did notice him, Tsukuyomi opened her eyes wide again, "S-So you rule I-Infinity?" Asahi's eyes widened a bit and his smile widened even more, "Never thought about it that way but I do don't I?" She slowly nodded her head. Amaterasu warily asked him, "But doesn't that just make it possible for you to destroy that whole pantheon by yourself."
Asahi chuckled, "I wouldn't go that far." Ultima lightly elbowed him, like hell not that far he could destroy this world several times over with his god damn presence alone, but that was not in his nature, he was a person who would kill 80% of the world's population, wait for it to become normal again and repeat the same process because he enjoyed it.
Asahi got up and gave them a bow, "And that ladies concludes our business! I'll be heading to India now~!" Waving good bye both Ultima and Asahi teleported out of the place re appearing in the land that looked like it had gone through artillery bombardment, "I wonder how they'll react once they see this~?" Ultima smiled although her smile was twisted, "Why not let Ultima just drop Nuclear Flames on everything~?"
Asahi patted her head that would certainly be an interesting sight, he quickly turned his head to the side, "You notice that right?" Ultima tilted her head cutely, "Holy energies against Holy energies~? No some seem tainted~" Asahi sat down and looked on in interest, "Probably the fallen angels and angels having a skirmish." Ultima jumped up and down a bit, "I'll go~!" before launching off at supersonic speeds.
(A/N: I know Ophis is genderless, but fuck you she's a loli dragon to me and that is what she'll be, I'm not having it any other way and I refuse to believe she was an old man at that time say what you will!)
Asahi turned his head to the side and looked at a rift open as a certain black-haired Loli Infinity Dragon God walked out, she sat down beside him and said in a monotone voice, "You are....like me?" her face showing a bit of confusion at this, even if it could no longer be felt, she had certainly felt her own concept within him and locked onto the literal land he was in, the problem is his was stronger than her, understandable since he was it's Ruler and she an embodiment.