Record of Ragnarok!

Brunhilde POV,

Brunhilde walked down the lavish halls with a grin on her face, she had gotten Ragnarok approved and would finally be able to get one over on those relics sitting on high horses, humanity was just as great as they were and they had no right over their destruction! That was what she truly believed. "Onee sama can humans truly stand against the gods?!" Göll her youngest sister asked fearfully to her this was a foolish action. She chuckled at her and continued on her walk ignoring Göll's pleas for stopping their foolishness and even though her grin didn't suit her, her beauty was undeniable.

A few minutes of walking later they had arrived in her office and she was going through the list of possible fighters until she came across Lu Bu, her eyes lit up he would be the perfect opening act to Ragnarok and he may as well win, "Him!" she was about to tap the screen to summon him but, "And stop!" a voice came from behind her, as far as she knew there was no one else here and she froze slowly turning around her gaze fell on a strange man sitting at her table with what appeared to be five girls each with their own unique type of beauty.


Asahi looked at the frozen Brunhilde and Göll, he was quite amused their reactions were a bit exaggerated for him. "I'll fight for humanity~" Asahi said in a cheerful voice, humanity's complete destruction was unacceptable if it was just like 90% or something he would have sided with the Gods beside trolling arrogant pricks was fun too. Brunhilde in turn gained an amused look, "Ho? Why?"

"True duty to my kind!" Asahi said enthusiastically raising his fist, weirding Göll out the hell was wrong with this guy? Meh, it might be an eccentric individual. Carrera lightly smacked the back of his head, "Except they ain't your kind!" she said as Milim started tapping the screen wondering what he was. Brunhilde narrowed her eyes if it was someone passionate then that was fine but there was no guarantee of his prowess and with that his humanity, except for looking and feeling like one.

Asahi's smile widened and he vanished much to her surprise. "I would like to fight for humanity~" a voice whispered in her ear freezing her in place as Göll quickly backed away. She didn't even notice the movement! (A/N: This is a big deal because she was able to even track Sasaki Kojuro's speed with her eyes) A smile formed on her face, "But what exactly are you?" she asked him amused. Asahi appeared in front of her and pointed at himself, "Woman you are looking at pure godliness!" he said before chuckling at his own words.

Göll interjected, "So you're a god? Why would a god?" she asked herself. Brunhilde also stared at him questioningly. Asahi rubbed his chin in thought, it didn't matter if someone knew about him being a God what could they do? It wasn't arrogance but rather confidence, "I love humans simple as that." he said with a straight face, there was no other way about it he was a former human himself but that didn't matter his humanity was completely lost and he was a God, Gods are extremely eccentric and whimsical, in other words he was the perfect representation of what a God is.

She stared at him for a few moments before she burst out laughing with a hand on her stomach, Ultima came near her and slightly tilted her head, "What are you laughing at~?" she asked sweetly while wanting to rip her head off for it. Brunhilde was laughing because it was too surprising and true as well she could basically feel the fondness he had for humans and he was strong too plus no one would even know he was a God so they were safe. Asahi nodded in satisfaction, he looked at her, "Now let's pick the fighters~!" he said clapping his hand, and it took quite a bit of time to convince her to let him choose them and even more to assure and convince her of their victory.

Basically Asahi and his girls would go in and he testified their strength and power leaving her no choice but to accept, besides he smiled madly, "If we lose, I'll just massacre them all~" his words confused Brunhilde because even if he was strong that would be a tall order while Göll hid behind her older sister because she was scared of Asahi after that discussion. The problem is they were a total of six meaning they needed one more fighter for straight seven victories and for that he would try to summon a servant, after all the Throne of Heroes transcends space and time it should be totally possible.

??? Hours Later,

Valhalla Arena,

It was gigantic arena with seating area for all gods and all of humanity and in design it was quite similar to the Roman Colosseum. The audience causing them to cheer loudly their voices filling the arena. In special designated VIP areas sat the chief Gods silently and intently looking on with amused faces for the Gods this was all but mere entertainment who were humans against them? "It's finally beginning right nee sama?" Göll asked standing on the human side. "Yes." Brunhilde silently replied deep in thought as to whether her choice was the right one or not.

The arena all of a sudden turned dark while a certain God was enveloped by blue flames as light shone on him bringing their attention to him, he raised his hands, "For countless eons I have waited to blow Gjallarhorn!" Heimdall shouted full of enthusiasm. "To announce the start of the final battle between God and Man, Ragnarok! Hey You all. ARE YOU READY?!" he shouted his enthusiasm growing by the second, he was looking forward to this. His announcement received cheers from all sides, whether they be God or Human.

"The rules are simple. Victory is determined when either a God or a Human representative dies. In other words, when their existence is permanently terminated." He announced as all sides watched on intently. Zeus trembled in his seat, while Shiva shifted about. The Valkyries were unsure about this after all they had even declined the offer for weaponry, how would they match the Gods?

Heimdall raised his horn up, "In the first bout, representing the Gods.." he turned to the entrance, "This man!" as light shone on it. "All the Gods want to see this guy get serious in a fight. His Mjolnir shatters continents. If this dude can't do it who can? He lives and dies by war!" Lightning started flicker and cackling forming a ball. It cleared away to reveal a red haired man on a throne. His body was quite well built and covered by a strange cloak. In his hands was a large hammer, lightning flickered and the lights shone as he stood up resting the hammer on his shoulder, "The Strongest Norse God, THOR!!!" he shouted as cheers erupted on the God's side shaking the arena.

"And the foolish challenger from humanity!" he turned towards the other entrance as lights illuminated the closed doors. "I'm not even sure she's human from this description but I'll go with it anyway!" he shouted a bit unsure but continued. The gigantic doors were kicked and shattered to pieces as smoke filled the arena. The outline of a small feminine figure could be seen walking through, "Oh it's me first eh?" she muttered.

Heimdall rubbed his eyes at having those gigantic doors blasted to pieces, "One of the Seven Rulers of Hell!" Heimdall announced making everyone curious as to how a human could have that title and why they didn't know of it. "Undefeated for millennia! She launches nukes for fun!" he shouted. "Only defeated once in her life! by the man she loves!" He continued making everyone more and more curious. "O-Oye! That bit was unnecessary!" she shouted at him only to be ignored. The smoke cleared away revealing a yellow haired girl wearing a shirt, jacket and skirt. "She who holds the title of Demon Lord! CARRERA!!!" Heimdall shouted blowing the horn, however there were no cheers as the humans were skeptic about her she by all means looked quite frail to be honest.

"AND ARE WE SURE SHE'S EVEN HUMAN?!" Heimdall asked the Gods only to get ignored too. "Hah such a frail looking girl! There's no way she'll win!" one of the Gods commented, many making similar remarks. "H-Hey are w-we going to be alright?" one of the humans asked, but! The weebs had their eyes popping out since they recognized her, it was Carrera. However everyone was surprised by a voice, "DO YOUR BEST!" Asahi shouted waving a flag with Carrera on it like a retard, "I BELIEVE IN YOU!"

"Ey who's that crazy motherfucker?" one of the humans said curiously. Carrera face palmed, "Sigh....That idiot." she shook her head and looked at Thor who was simply staring at her without any kind of reaction. She cracked her neck and stretched her arms, "Well ya better put up a good fight! Cause I really don't wanna embarrass that idiot."

Göll asked her sister worried, "Are we sure about this?!" but Brunhilde stayed silent and stared on, she had trusted that man and hopefully it would pay off, if it didn't she would put up her own fighters from the next match. Zeus stroked his beard, "She's a brat as far as I can see, but great~! great~! Tomboys are awesome too~!" he shouted squirming around as Hermes sighed at his actions. Shiva rested his head on his hand, "The hell? That's a damn brat! Did they finally go mad?" he asked no one in particular.

"Thor'll beat the shit outta that scrawny brat!" Huginn crowed from Odin's shoulder, "Yeah! You're right! The fuck were they thinkin?!" Muninn crowed from the other shoulder while the Old God himself just silently watched on. "Ara~ She's cute!" Aphrodite said her boobs jiggling about, she heard an annoying remark from the man with a flag too, "Those are too damn big you fucking cow!" causing the arena to fall silent, Asahi gazed around at the silent people, "What do you want?!" everyone for some reason simultaneously shook their heads, Heimdall cleared his throat and blew the Horn signaling the start of the battle.
