Chapter 1: I already hate it here

I slowly pried my eyes open, the visual stimulus was overwhelming me as I did so. It felt as if these eyes hadn't seen any light in years. I took the time to let my senses get adjusted to the surroundings. When I did, an unexpected sight was shown to me. An enourmous room, filled with luxury; jewelry, artwork, fancy furniture, books and even a knife which was covered in gold were things I saw at first glance only.

This room already exceeded my entire worth by factors of 100, and I was in the corner of it, laying in what my very well be the coziest bed ever made in the history of man. As I tried to sit upright, I felt a tight feeling in my chest, followed up by a stabbing pain all throughout the body.

"Shhhhhh... fuck." I said under my breath while biting my lip. It felt as great a pain as slamming a recently broken arm against a table with as much force as one can muster. Basically it hurt like shit. I had to keep myself from almost screaming out in pain.

What the hell is going on?

I took a close look at my body. There were so many things wrong with it. Why are there so many bumps, why are they colored green and why is there a blue liquid oozing out from some of them?

Also, my arms wouldn't be this lightly shaded, to the point of almost being albino. And futhermore, MY HAIR ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE WHITE!

There were many, many questions going through my head, but two things are already pretty clear.

This is not my home and this is not my body.

I have no idea where this place is supposed to be. It looks to be quite nice, but having my body be unable to do anything without immediately imploding is a big downside.

As I laid down again, frustrated and in pain, I could suddenly hear some commotion coming from outside the room. People shouting at each other, before suddenly becoming dead silent.

Without knocking, a few people suddenly barged in. Although when they looked at me, their expression suddenly became contorted.

"So... you're awake, I see?"

I didn't dare to try to respond at their gazes, which looked like they had to witness the most foul, disgusting sight in existence.

The women who spoke was medium in stature and had long brunette hair all the way down the waist. The way in which she was dressed looked like she was a noble, but her mannerisms were nothing like that.

Another woman was present, being a bit taller and much older, I'd guess around her 60's or so. With lots of flamboyant jewelry and an icy glare, she looks much like those hideous stepmothers from the fairytales.

There were also 2 noblemen with stylized moustaches and an upright position, with their hands behind their back. They seemed also to come from rich origins, but a bit less wealthy than the other two.

A cold silence permeated the room. Nobody uttering the slightests of sounds. After a while, the brunette made a "Hmph." sound as she walked off, the other eventually just going away.

'Ohhhh', I thought to myself, 'I have truly landed in hell, haven't I?'

The sheer amount of hostility that could be felt was astonishing. But outside of that, how am I supposed to be able to do anything? I don't have food, a place to piss, a place to wash, or any drinks. Nada.

This is going to be one hell of a trial...

As I laid down I began feeling around on my body. Although troublesome, atleast it looked to be in a somewhat alright condition, although a little underweight. Moving around a little also doesn't hurt too much.

The liquid also kept pouring, but only in small tiny bits. I have no idea what that blue pus is and I'm not even going to try and touch it. Being bored, I decided to just keep playing around with my movement options. How far can I stretch, how far can I bend, how fast can I move.

The answer? Not much.

Moving my arms and legs, I had to be veeery careful, like reeeally slow. Any slight jitter and a severe shockwave of pain would course through me.

Sometimes I also get the odd coughing fit or suddenly spew up some strange, slime like orange substance.

This body is absolutely fucked to hell and back. I'm surprised I haven't died again at this point.

I know that at least for today, I won't be able to do anything. I am completely stuck. Everything is out of reach.

Well, that was... but one letter I inconspicuously found laying on the bedside cabinet. It blended in near perfect, being the same color as the cabinet itself.

I picked it up carefully, making sure not to strain any part of this body, and started reading it.

'Welcome to a new world.

This message will be deleted upon completion

You have been given a new vessel, do with it what you will

This world is the land of Heretia, this being the Agaune kingdom.

Take good care, and enjoy this newly implemented reincarnation system'

All of this didn't make any sense. Was I in a game or a different world or what exactly? Well not that I can ask anyone that anyways.

True to it's message, the words did disappear... as did the paper, gone to the winds.

Once again I started feeling sick, and I just decided to sleep it out for the day.