Chapter 7: How it works

"Magic... magic... ah-"

The manual covered what I wanted to know as expected. Information about spells was being distributed under the categories magical constitution and invocation, corresponding with the likewise named statistics under my profile.

The problem with my method was oddly simple but counterintuitive, even though I had everything; enough mana, correct vision, correct name, I didn't actually create anything, thus nothing happened.

The book made a handy comparison to a person who would shout open sesame at a door. There was no action taken related to the door opening. This,of course, would go against any video game logic I previously had established in my mind, without actually taking away all possible notions that it could be. It either is a half breed, having some video game things like gods, spells, levels and monsters mixed with some normal operating world, or being so player interaction focused that you can't even do some spells without focusing your time on it.

I asked the maidservant for some painkillers, or whatever the equivalent might be. Assuming that there might be some herbs or potions that could increase my health. She responded saying she would look for them, but made note to specify she wasn't certain either way.

I sat straight up in a relaxed posture, as much as I could while ignoring the pain. I felt around for the flow of the wind. A light breeze could be felt, predominantly on the fingertips where I started constructing the magic.

To change the flow of the current I twirled my fingers until I could feel a bit of resistance on my finger. Then, once I made my own counterstream of air I used my mana to increase the size of the current. Then lastly, I flung my finger around, and pointed it toward the closet, which made 2 pieces of clothing flutter for a bit.

I looked at my status again, and indeed one magical essence was left. If I were to use it in a fight the best I could do was tickle someone. As for the other magic... Maybe I could give them a tiny shock that would startle them. But at the very least I can do something.

Glancing out of the window I could see my first monster from this world, a small, cute, gelatinous blob. Monsters do exist in this world then.

I should definitely find a way to get a levelup, and quickly.