Episode 6

Episode 6

The alarm woke me

Who the hell had to fix an alarm

Stretching my hand to the alarm clock, I threw it after I picked it up

The noise stopped as I continued my sleep but I had to stand out of habit

After washing up

looking for a better cloth to wear but unfortunately

Nothing looks good

I had to put on a sleeveless top and trouser

Packed my hair into a ponytail

I walked down and walked straight to the door

Where do you think you are going to" Xia hua asked

Do I need to report to you " I asked

Xia ning " she yelled

Aish, I sighed touching my ear

Why is everyone here so addicted to yelling

Where am going to has nothing to do with you " I said lightly as I made to walk out

You stop for me" I heard a voice

Who is this one now " I said impatiently

Hearing her voice Mr Xia couldnt help getting angry

How dare you talk to me that way " he yelled

Mr Xia maybe if you had kept that thing in between you leg intact, you wouldn't have gotten old so fast, even my brothers your son does not acknowledge you " Evelyn said lightly

Ning ning don't talk to dad that way" Gu chuxi said softly trying to hold her hand but she avoided

Am saying the truth, you father in law's company which was hundred times worst than yours, has now surpassed yours

You threw a pearl and picked up stone "I said

You shut up for me " he yelled

I will naturally shut up after am done talking

Anyway I won't come back after today, and you will know what it feels like been abandoned

Your Xiaosan didn't give you a male child, and she made you she lose the two you had " Evelyn said

Anyway I wish you the best " Evelyn said patting the shoulder

Sister how could you change overnight, the doctor said you had an IQ of a child how are you suddenly talking so sharply

Were you pretending all this while " Gu chuxi asked looked grieved

Why I changed " I said walked towards her

You should know better than me " I said behind her ear

You are leaving won't to park your things " Xia hua

Am giving it to you as charity " I said smiling

Am really tired of talking, I wish your family of four, a happy years forever " I said and walked out

Are you really going to leave that shares with her " Mrs Xia asked

She cant let Evelyn go that way without handing over the shares

What if something happens

I will talk to her " Mr Xia said

Do you think she will listen to you, she no longer acknowledges you as a father " Mrs Xia yelled

Whose fault is it that non of my children wants me" Mr Xia yelled at her

He couldn't help thinking twice

Where he could not reach, his two sons has reached

And there is no way to ask them for help

His company is going downhill but no one is there to handle

And now Evelyn's leaving is giving him a very bad feeling

Are you now blaming me " Mrs Xia yelled

Mom dad don't quarrel" Gu chuxi said as she touched her forehead

Where did everything go wrong

Hmm, she can't believe ghat girl has any ability ,after all she still like brother Tang if not she would have dissolved the engagement

The door opened as Evelyn's head showed

I forgot to say one thing, make sure to dissovle that marriage with that Bastard" she completed here words and left

Mo jichen / Liam

What are the results" I asked lu meng my secretary

She is the eldest miss of the Xia Family

After an accident she had an IQ of a child

her parents are divorced

Mr Xia married a Xiaosan

And Her mother Linda is in charge of the Bai company with her two sons " lu meng said

What about last night " I asked

It was her fiancee birthday Mr Tang Jifeng

She was drugged and the dose was much" Lu meng recounted the nights events

Keep an eye on her and find a way to make her my assistant " I said