Special Assistant

Episode 8

I left the restaurant as I noticed a commotion outside

I walked closer as I saw an older man unconscious on the floor

The young girl was crying holding his hand

Grandpa" she cried as she calling his

I squeezed closer as I secretly passed a needle to his acupuncture point

With the help of poison the needle flew back to my hand

He just choked I really wonder why they are crying like this


Grandpa you are finally awake " the young girl said as the older man opened his eyes

You really scared me " she said crying

She really didn't know what to do if something happened to her grandfather

Old man I suggest you take good care of your heart " a voice sounded as everyone turned turned to the source of the voice

Evelyn just glanced at them and left

Young girl wait " the old man stopped

Evelyn turned and glanced at them

Are you the one that helped me " hE asked

Yes" Evelyn said lightly

Is it because of my heart " he asked again

You just choked but check your heart now that is not serious if not you might not be alive in a year time " Evelyn said and walked out

I walked as I planned to go to mom's house

Sir that's Miss Xia " lu meng said

Stop the car " Mu jichen said without any expression

Lu meng stopped the car as he got down and walked towards Evelyn

Miss Xia " I heard a voice as Evelyn turned

How may I help you" Evelyn frowned as she asked lu meng

My boss will like to see you " Lu meng said as Evelyn frowned even more

If not the person is dressed in suit she would have suspected that it is a gangster

Miss Xia please follow me" Lu meng said as he wiped cold sweat

His boss and miss Evelyn gave him the same feeling

He couldn't even see a trace of the fool and waste people talked about in her body

Is either she hid so well or she is held already

Evelyn frowned but still followed him

Anyway after soaking in the pool last night

She has already got half of her physical fitness back so I not hard to deal with someone

And her skin dryness also disappeared

Leaving only a delicate, pretty and Snow White skin

He got to the car as he opened the car door

I stared at him for a while as I sat in before the door closed I turned to see who the boss was.

The cold face looked at me

I turned cleaned my eyes and looked again

Cab you see me clearly now " he asked

Sorry I got into the wrong car " I made to open the door but it was already locked

Anyway this man gave me a dangerous feeling I can't let him find out anything unusual

Uncle I know I did wrong, can you let me go " I asked timidly

Who knew that Miss Xia hides so deeply " he said

She is also very close to the best hacker in the world " he continues as my eye shrank

I only met Neil today how did he know

Fuck, he must has sent someone to stare at me

Best hacker I don't understand " I said

You will definitely not understand, just stay away from your friend Neil he is dangerous " Mu jichen said

He also wants to think that the she has an unusual identity or a hidden identity

But after a thorough investigation nothing was found

It can only be concluded that Neil approached her for the Xia family secret

Evelyn's heart calmed

At least he did not find anything unusual

But he is my new friend " I said

Anyway keep a distance from him" Mu jichen still said

I don't know what identity Mr Mu is to me to tell me this" I said not relenting

As your boss " he suddenly said as I jumped but my head hit the roof of the car

What boss?? " I asked having a bad feeling

Start work on Monday, you are my special assistant

Heaven knows I want to commit murder at this moment

I didnt agree " I refuted

Am telling you not asking you " he said as he opened the door and kicked me out

Hey, you stop for me " I yelled but he still drove off

Humph, Report to work on Monday, dream high " I snorted as I walked home