Chapter 12

Episode 12

Evelyn changed borded a taxi at the airport at country y

Which took her directly to the hotel

She carried her luggage to the hotel and stopped at the reception

Welcome to our hotel " the receptionist greeted with a smile

Evelyn covered her face mask

Ghost " she just reporyrd6a name

We are sorry for the negligence the VIP suite is ready I will take you there " The receptionist said clutching her little heart

She almost brought disaster upon her little self

After leading Evelyn into the suite, the receptionist hurried away

Evelyn lay down not changing her clothes

At the same time calling Neil

Where are you " she asked as the phone connected

The opposite hotel, am checking the museum monitoring " Neil said as Evelyn nodded

Remember not to destroy the monitoring" Evelyn reminded

I won't " Neil said as Evelyn hung up

Evelyn entered the space soaking into the pool as she sorted out her emotions

It is her first mission since she occupied this body

She didn't know if she is excited or nervous

The shadow of jumping down the cliff and being betrayed were still vivid

She doesn't know if it right by taking this direction again

But she has to, so as to get her revenge

She also wants to be an ordinary person but circumstances won't just let it

She couldn't let those two that caused her death gave a happily ever after

Poison do you think am excessive " She asked poison as he untied from her hand

No you can just call it destiny " Poison said

A thousand years ago if you are weak, you can't be classified as human

Those who have powers rule, they weak are trampled on

So you are not wrong, if you just to let go of the past without destroying the enemies what if they come to your present life

There is this adage that enemies have narrow road " Poison said

If not that you are a snake with a thousand poison I would have called you cute " I said as I walked out of the pool

I can make my self cute " Poison said bitterly

That will make you a white lotus " I said

Aren't you a white lotus too " poison asked

What did you say " I asked baffled

Apart from I and your human Neil, no one knows that you kill without blinking your eyes " he said as I rolled my eyes

Any way I have to be like you " poison said as he he curled her wrist

I left the space and ordered Lunch

Order more meat" poison said as I glared at him

One more word and you will be the first vegetarian cobra in this world " I threatened

Too ruthless" poison mouthed

After taking lunch I lay down

Poison remember to wake me by 5 pm" I said as I lay down

Are other people to go to mission as nonchalant as you" poison said


Wolf, check for any suspicious person around the museum

Speedy, find out if the monitors have been messed with " Jichen ordered

If everything is OK, then we will begin at 6 pm

Reporting, the monitors are ok" speedy reported with straight back

Reporting there is no suspicious person around " Wolf reported


Wake up" Poison yelled in Evelyn's ear

You darn snake " Evelyn yelled angrily but still stood up

Changing to an overall black then used a blue windbreaker to cover up

She stepped out of the hotel

Throwing the wind breaker into the space then hung a little bag with her face mask and face cap

My bike was packed right in front of the hotel

I smiled as I borded and drove to my destination