WebNovelI AM ROB100.00%

Chapter 1 [Edited]

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My name is khaled, I am a 21 years old Moroccan guy, i don't have a fixed job, but I'm pretty well off, it has never been difficult for me to acquire money, i just do random stuff online, I'm actually pretty adept with computers, don't get me wrong it's not like i'm a dropout or something, on the contrary, i have studied all the knowledge on this planet.

It would be wrong to say that I'm a 'normal' guy, excluding the fact that my dad is a mafia boss, and a pretty big one as well, or that i was sent to war at the age of 11, I've always felt out of place, and i'm not talking about my family, but about this world, sure, my species is brilliant and fascinating, and we have infinite potential, it never gets boring watching human beings arguing on the meaningless of things on one side, and exploring space on the other, we are both dumb and brilliant, it's just beautiful, but it just feels like i am something else, something different...

I feel like I was made for something else, not just development and evolution, but something else. I feel or rather know that I could lead this world, this species to a higher level, to godlike beings(immortality, 'magic,' powers...), because I possess the intelligence, knowledge, and resources, not just me, but rather the species as a whole.

In my opinion, that's not what I'm destined to do, and I believe in fate. I believe that everyone is bound to do something, and that something depends on their choices and actions in life. They have the freedom of choice.

And i do certainly believe in a higher existence, and not because of my upbringing, but by logic, i don't believe that everything came out of nothing, I believe that there is someone that created everything, someone that made the big bang, an explosion doesn't create things, an explosion is created.

but enough about that, I don't even know who I'm talking to, maybe I've overestimated my iQ? nah its probably just in my nature, I'm a human after all.

Anyway, to my the current situation, I'm currently in a completely white realm that seems to be boundless in front of a 150m giant that is typing some Incomprehensible things on a PC like platform, he's been going at it for a while now, and I didn't bother to interrupt him, I stood there waiting for him to finish while thinking about my current situation.

~General POV~

The giant figure finally stopped typing after nearly 3 hours, it then lowered its gaze and glanced at Khaled nonchalantly for a moment, and then began talking: "lets make this quick, I'm what you mortals call a God, and you died by getting hit with a stray bolt of lightning that wasn't supposed to be there, so you get to reincarnate in any world you want except for your own as it was my fault, and you also get 4 wishes, no nerfing, everything you want" it finishes its speech looking with a very bored look at the protagonist.

Khaled thought about it for a while, he doesn't remember dying, he was sitting in his living room reading some webnovels and sudden he found himself here, and he doesn't believe the being in front of him is God, maybe someone with 'Godlike' power, God is without fault, and he doesn't need to recompense someone, so he didn't believe a word coming out of the mouth of this entity, but the wishes part was certainly interesting, so he'll try out something he came up with just now.

with a smirk on his face he replied, "ok, firstly I want to know what is the vow that is unbreakable for anything existing or non existing"

the entity felt weird about the first wish but saw no harm in fulfilling it, it's not the first time he received weird wishes so he just classified him as one of the weirdos he encountered.

"Alright you'll know it when you reincarnate" he answered him

Khaled frowned at that as he didn't take it Into account, but he didn't let it be seen on his face, with a stoic face he calmly deals with the situation accordingly, " i see... for the second wish I want all of my wishes to be fulfilled now."

the entity thought about it for a while but didn't object, "granted" he said.

Khaled smirked internally and carried on with his plan when he got the knowledge of the vow, "alright, next I want you to swear on the one and only that you'll fulfill every one of my wishes no matter what" he said

The entity felt uncomfortable with it and was about to decline, but then he thought that he hadn't felt so intrigued for a long time, so he decided to take the risk. What's the worst thing that could happen anyway?

"I swear on the one and only that I'll fulfill every wish of the individual Khaled" he says, but he then gets a very uneasy feeling, like he did the most terrible thing he's ever done.

Khaled no longer hides his smirk as he says the following words, "I want to absorb your whole being, your memories, knowledge, experiences, life, everything except your emotions" just as he finishes his words the whole realm begins to shake, the galaxy trembles with excitement as if it was waiting for this exact moment.

"NOOOOOOOOOO" were the last words of the nameless entity

A multicolored ray of energy shoots from the giant's body towards Khaled, it was a striking sight to behold, the looked like a galaxy with all those colors, some of which Khaled never saw before, it then penetrated him began to merge with him.

This went on for a while until it stopped, and then.... then nothing happened. Everything died down. However, it was different for Khaled. He could perfectly feel the change within him, the new things he was introduced to. Somethings he would never have imagined in his wildest dreams, the knowledge, THE POWER.