Wings That Can’t Fly

 If I were an angel, how would my life be? 

We all seek to go to Heaven, yet do not know what is waiting

"Father forgive me for I have sin"

The moment I walked out, I continued to do so

So why do I seek redemption?

Angels are said to have beautiful wings

No matter what tier you are you always have white flourishing feathers from your back

When I received mines, I tried to "flap, flap, flap"

I open my eyes seeing my feet have yet to reach the sky

I looked behind and the tips of my feathers tainted black, "oh my"

"My Lord, have you forsaken me?"

No voice bothered to say anything in reply 

My heart grew heavy and dark

My emotion swirled with evil thoughts

If I were a devil, how would my life be?

I do not know the answer to any of these

"Father forgive me for I have yet sent again"

The father, I speak to then came from behind the sheets

And I saw this couldn't possibly be the father that I seek

And there and behold, I saw…

The devil right in front of me

I ran and ran in the feathers behind my back became too heavy

Quickly little by little they all snapped

I never tried to seek redemption

All I did was lie to my own reflection

To think such beautiful wings would become so ugly

Now I know that I will never reach Heaven and be one of his darlings