Chapter 21

“Oh! So, you’ll disobey him to bring me here, but you won’t fight him over claiming me,” I pointed out.

Erik’s look cooled. “Because such a thing would be a fight to the death. Never get between a Draygon and his mate. More than one Draygon has died trying.”

I opened my mouth to argue with him, yet the seriousness of his gaze told me that I wasn’t going to win.

“You know you are saying that wrong,” I decided to battle out since I was in the mood to be petty.

“What word?” he asked.

“Dragons. You are pronouncing it Dray-gone,” I told him.

Erik had a thoughtful look on his face. “I never really thought about it, to be honest. Nerrian is the one who helped me learn their language, and this is how he explained it.”

“But I thought only you and the King spoke English,” I pointed out.

“Nerrian. He has his ways. You’ll see when you meet him. Now, are you going to correct me all day, or did you want to see the portal?” Erik asked briskly.