Chapter 61

“One such time was after a rather large skirmish between us and the Sororian Draygons. Tohr had gone with us and ended up severely injured while trying to save one of the smaller dragons from this particularly ruthless Draygon.”

“Why did Tohr go with you?” I asked curiously. “I can’t imagine the King joining in on any battle.”

“Tohr’s father once told him: ‘Never send your subjects into a battle you are not willing to fight alongside them. It was his way of saying, don’t sacrifice your men needlessly or die with them,” Erik explained.

It was exceptionally good advice, I agreed. Morbid, but good advice.

“Anyway, Tohr took a claw to his stomach. That’s one of the softest parts of a Draygon, and it injured him severely. He was in a massive amount of pain and losing blood quickly.”