Chapter 65

Synne said nothing and looked away as if she, herself, was guilty. Putting my hand on her arm, I tried to comfort her hoping that she would open up to me.

“I am not accusing you, sweetie,” I said softly. “I honestly want to help.”

“We are charged with the wellbeing of the warriors. We cook and clean and at times warm their beds,” she insisted defensively.

“Why are they unable to care for such things themselves?” I asked Erik in English.

“This is a hard gender divide. I have a feeling it is passed down through the family lines. Mothers teach their daughters to cook and care for the family. Fathers teach their boys to fight and…” his voice trailed off as he looked at Synne, leaving no doubt his unspoken words.

“So basically, to change this, I’ll have to fight generations of tradition,” I stated in frustration.

Erik nodded gravely as I growled under my breath.

“Did I say something wrong?” Synne asked anxiously.