Chapter 89

Erik stepped closer, and though she grumbled, she allowed him since he smelled of clan, as she put it. He peeked under the bandage and poked at it, causing Tohr to groan in pain.

My Draygana growled at him and tried to push forward. It took all my will to shove her back down, but not before my hands were already changing.

“Ugh!” I grumbled. “I think it’s best if you guys just head back to the village. I need time to get her under control.”

“We can’t do that!” Gabby protested. “You need help taking care of him.”

“I might. However, we won’t get anything done with her threatening to bite anyone that gets close or hurts him,” I groaned.

“She’s right,” Erik admitted. “For a new Draygon, it’s best if you try not to scare them. If us being so close to her mate bothers her, it’s best if we leave her alone.”

Treddian nodded in agreement. It was proof that Erik had been silently communicating with him.