I Don't Do Dresses

I dressed in faded jeans, a red Ed Hardy tee shirt with a dragon slithering across the front, and my Converse.

In the full-length mirror near my closet, I noticed several bruises on my neck and stepped closer for a better look. In the center of the bruises were twin marks closed over by scar tissue.

It seemed I hadn't changed as much as I'd hoped.

No one had been able to see marks after Christopher bit me the first time, but I wasn't so sure about these bruises.

Going to my dresser, I pulled open the top drawer and took out a silk and cashmere scarf in baby blue.

My dad and stepmother had given it to me for Christmas last year because they said it matched my eyes.

After pulling off the tag, I wrapped it around my neck several times, so the bruises were hidden.

"Today is going to be a regular day," I grunted, catching my reflection in the full-length mirror beside my dresser.

It couldn't get any weirder.