New Born Vampires

Suddenly the magazine flew out of his hand with a thwack, followed by the sounds of voracious laughter.

Christopher's shoulders tensed, and he turned.

"What's the big idea?" he asked, and I perceived his barely contained rage.

The large guy in the middle stepped forward, the others flanking him.

There were five.

Even in ghost form, my heart started pounding in my throat, making it difficult to understand what was said, but I gathered they wanted a fight.

That didn't seem fair, five against one.

The leader shoved Christopher, causing his shoulder to smack against the magazine rack. He righted himself and adjusted his shirt.

The muscles in his shoulders relaxed, and he smirked.

I knew that smirk.

"You'll pay for that," Christopher said quietly.

The leader's mouth dropped. "I doubt it, dickhead."

"How about we step outside and find out." Christopher's tone was smooth, in control. Did he understand what was happening? Did he want to fight them?