Abernathy's Spells

Cindy closed the door as Gatsby jumped up on my bed.

"Man, your stepmother can be kind of a bitch."

"I know, right?" I sat on my bed and pulled my pillow into my arms.

A part of me always believed Viv liked Cindy more than me, and I thought Cindy liked Viv.

Her relationship with her mom and dad was good, but they were older, and Cindy was their youngest, so her parents didn't do much by way of relating.

A naughty gleam lit Cindy's face. "I could cast a spell, cover her face in boils. What do you think?" She sat down next to me, pushing a strand of hair away from my wet cheek.

I laughed. "Might be fun," I said noncommittally, not really feeling it.

She picked up her backpack before sitting beside me, crossing her legs. Unzipping the front pocket, she removed a book.

As soon as I saw it, the air in the room changed.

It hummed as though alive.

The book possessed some serious energy. "I'm not kidding. I totally will."