Flaming Sword

Instantly, I knew what it was.

The Seal of Gabriel on the end of the silver chain swayed gently near his throat.

If Oberon had it, then that meant Gabe had stolen it.

My barely contained fury exploded.

How dare he?

How dare Gabe?

All this time Gabe had lied to me. Used me. He didn't love me any more than a bear loves a fish.

Something in my features must've changed because Oberon stumbled back.

Clasping his hands together, a flaming sword appeared. "Don't come any closer."

Caught off guard, I put a hand in front of my face to shield myself from the heat.

Flames licked the air, bringing with them a unique scent - like burning metal and flowers.

"It's time to end you," the chayot leader sneered.

Professor Pops still fought against the chayot, hollering for Oberon to stop.

The clang of metal against metal - sword against sword - rocked the ballroom. The vampire queen and her followers had joined the action.


Sounds of death.

Cries of pain.