Miss Virginia

"I don't think so. Maybe you should talk to him, explain how you feel." I definitely wasn't one to be giving relationship advice, but I didn't like seeing Cindy sad.

She nodded. "I should. I will." She took a deep breath. "Now, regarding your sexy-times problems," she sniffled and dried her eyes, and I knew we were done talking about her.

"The truth is, you don't have a any," she said. "A completely gorgeous vampire wants in your pants. He loves you, and you love him. I see no downside."

I reddened at her blunt words. It excited me to think Christopher wanted me in that way, made me feel desirable. But it was such a big step for me.

I mean, sex.


That was huge.

"What?" she asked, and I could tell she worked hard not to laugh.

"It's just that I'm so nervous. What if we do it and everything changes?"

She nodded. "Everything will change for sure, but it'll hopefully be a good change. That's what moving forward in a relationship means."