Made Of Stone

At the castle gates, I said goodbye to Ryden. With as much confidence as I could muster, I used the Seal to melt the wrought iron portcullis before stepping through. I expected to see guards or be rushed by Sharra's drone vampires. But there wasn't a single living creature around.

With each step, I realized there wasn't a sound except the clop of my Converse on the cobblestone walk. It was eerie, and I steeled myself for whatever came next.

When I reached the large front entrance, I thought of knocking, but pushed that aside and I threw open the doors. Sharra stood in the entryway, waiting for me.

"How lovely of you to come, Snow White. Although, if you had any manners, you would've knocked."

"I guess I don't have any," I said, trying to sound tough. Nervous jitters fluttered inside my stomach. I took my stance, my feet apart and my shoulders squared. My hands were at my sides, poised to strike if necessary.