Night Pixies

There were two other crewmembers on the twinkling flat-bottomed vessel. They went to work, pushing us away from the dock until a circular paddle smacked the water at the rear, pushing us forward.

It was nearly dark. Insects came out and played us their songs. Night pixies, their iridescent wings changing colors in the moonlight, fluttered along the water's edge. When they saw us, they flitted forward. I could hear their giggling and whispering. But before they reached us, they stopped and turned back. They no longer giggled. In fact, I sensed apprehension. Something spooked them.

I tried to remind myself I was the scariest thing in Sharra. None could hurt or defeat me. Plus, I had Dorian.

He seemed to sense my trepidation and pulled me against his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Isn't it beautiful?"

I swallowed, forcing down the strange feeling in my gut. "Yes, it's exqui - "