Magical Shield

If the world was created with a bang, then magic began in a whisper. The utterance of one word: Bloomous, that single declaration, articulated softly, started it all.


I thought about that as I considered the lesson I was preparing for next week's classes.

The ideas brought back memories, some recent, others happened years ago.

While many weren't good, I was grateful for them anyway because they made me step up and become the witch I was today.

And in my opinion, I was pretty damn awesome.

The lights flickered, and I searched the room.

It was large with reformatory cells along the far wall.

Desks covered in various magical items were placed in the middle of the room.

The door resided on the other side. Wide and arched at the top, it was made of wood with a black wrought iron handle.

Shelves lined either side of the entrance and were filled with dusty old books interspersed with old boxes and ancient-looking artifacts.