A Diary And Letters

Dear Mom and Dad,

This is to let you know I'll be in Polonias a while.

Not sure how long.

It could only be minutes your time, but I didn't want you to worry.

Polonias is somehow connected to Earth, but not a part of Earth - Yeah, it's all very confusing.

The thing is, I mentioned Polonias to Mom at breakfast this morning, and I'm sure from her comments she already knows about it, which means you probably do too, Dad.

If I'm wrong, talk to Adam Henry.

He can explain everything to you.

Please know I'm safe. And thank you so much for all the love and support you've given me over the years.

All my love,



Hey Snow,

Just wanted you to know I'm in Polonias.

If I can't make it back in time, please have someone cover my classes for the day.

You know how much I love teaching.

I wouldn't abandon my classes unless it was serious.

But I've met someone. And before you freak, it isn't Leo.

I can't move on from Gabe so easily.

It's a girl by the name of Polly.