Magical Trees

Leo stood in the entrance looking handsome. He wore a blue and silver jacket and black pants, the ends tucked into shiny black boots.

His sandy-colored hair was combed back, but one lock kept falling over his right eye. He whipped it out of his face, then brushed his hair back with his fingers.

Perfect lips curved upward in a smile as I watched his eyes slide from my face down my body and back up again.

"You look magnificent, Cinderella. I hope you don't mind if I escort you to the party."

I smiled, glad he was there, that I didn't have to go alone.

"Thank you," I responded. "I would like that very much."

Especially since I didn't know where the party was being held.

Leo stuck out his elbow, and I took it.

We walked together down the hall, past several closed doors, through a large sitting area, down several sets of stairs until we finally arrived at a grand ballroom. It was twice the size of the one in Pops' house.