Stupid Boys

Leo came up behind me and touched my shoulder.

I shrank away, repelled at having someone other than Gabe touch my body. I was still mad at Gabe, but I didn't love him any less.

I couldn't shake the fact that Leo might be lying.

Stupid boys.

"Is it true? The glass lyre is a person?" I asked the question but already knew the answer.

Gabe had no reason to lie about that.

Leo went over to my bed and sat. He stared ahead, not looking at anything. "I hoped to wait until we found it - him or her or whatever."

I was frustrated. "Well, which is it? An it, him, or a her?" The words came out clipped, sarcastic - my way of dealing with things I didn't understand or was afraid of.

Also, I was tired and needed this day to be over.

So tired.

A spell from The Eye of Abernathy flitted off my lips. "Bohemia coverith irreavilth."

That would keep us invisible to anyone who came into the room.