They Are My Brothers

I wasn't the greatest cook.

Okay, I sucked at all things cooking related, but I was at least proficient enough to put some ground meat in a pan and slap it on a bun.

I got him some chips, a pudding cup, and a large glass of ice water too.

When he finished it all, he was still hungry, so I made him a banana split.

That finally satisfied him.

"You are amazing," he said when he sat back in his chair.

I resisted the urge to blush.

It dawned on me after I put the cherry on the banana split that I could've used magic and made him a meal fit for a prince.

Too late now.

"Thanks," I said, putting the empty bowl in the sink and rinsing it.

He got out of the chair and came around, taking my hand. "I guess we need to go confront my father and brother."

I held my nose. "First, I think you need a bath."

If I had to be around him, he needed to smell tolerable.

Also, I wasn't ready to give him up just yet.

I hated to admit it, but I enjoyed being around him.