By Their Blood

My mom's stern expression softened as I watched her reflection. "Most importantly, I'm your mother." She leaned down, our heads side by side and she squeezed my shoulders. Her eyes sparkled with love. I studied the two of us together, once again astonished by our similarities.

We both had black hair, though mine had a streak of teal in it

The shape of our faces were the same as well as our high cheekbones.

Our lips had the same sort of thickness and we were the same height.

There were differences too.

Her eyes were an unusual color, reflecting the various hues within the spectrum of the seven magics while mine were always violet.

My skin was naturally tanner than hers.

And then, of course, there was the huge difference between us. I had wings, obnoxiously large wings that protruded from my back like those of a giant black bird.

The worst part was they never went away. Like fairies' wings did. I had them on my back at all times - no matter what.