
I'd been walking for ten minutes. I wasn't winded and I could see fine in the dark, but I was tired of getting around on two legs. I wanted to fly. The thought shocked me. I always believed I'd be perfectly happy without my wings. Happier even.

I shrugged the thought away. I needed to give myself more time to get used to life without them. I could do that.

At the end of the road was the forest, the one I promised Laeddin and Pops I would stay out of. A quick glance at the map verified I was to go in though.

I shouldn't be surprised.

Sometimes Abrea and I did things the grown-ups told us not to do. Nothing too serious. It was the way of children, I guess, to rebel against the wisdom of time. But I got the feeling the directions weren't telling me to go in for some harmless, rebellious fun. Instead, Sydney and Drake were planning something.

A jolt of anticipation shot through me.

Bring it on, I thought.