Make You Mine

I rolled over and opened my eyes. It was still dark outside. Wind blew the curtains like teal butterflies in the breeze. My vision became blurry and the bedroom disappeared.

"What's happening?" I was spinning and falling through different colored rings of light.




My body hit bottom with a thud. A moan escaped my lips as I rolled onto my knees and then stood. "Hello?" I turned slowly trying to let my eyes adjust to the utter darkness. As a vampire my vision was exceptional, but wherever I was, it was of no use. "Hello?" I shouted again.

From a distance I could hear something beating against the air. It seemed to be getting closer. Fear turned my stomach and made my throat dry.

"Where am I?"

The beating stopped. "Hello, Jasmine."

"Who's there?" I squinted, hoping that would help me to see better.

"The one who will steal your heart and make you mine." His voice sounded close.

I reached out to touch him, but only air passed through my fingers.