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Abby was waiting by the front door, just as we discussed. "Jack, you ready to go?"

I bounced up and down on the balls of my feet. "Yep." I pushed open the front doors and stepped out, holding it open for Abby.

Drake rushed past, knocking Abby over.

I caught her before she landed on the ground. "Rude." I smacked him in the chest, sending him flying back. He tumbled into a group of students, knocking them over as he went, like the human version of bowling.

"Freak?" He held the back of his head. "Why'd you do that?" Drake's face was a mixture of shock and anger. Blood leaked from his eyebrow and he touched it tenderly.

The salty and coppery aroma snuck up on me. My fangs fought to break free, the sharp tips grazing my bottom lip. I wanted him, his blood. I dove onto Drake and licked the blood.